Warm-up ( 🔥 ) and
Top Secret ( 🤐 ) are never saved.
You may want to use them for extra security.
In the unlikely event of your device being compromised and locally
stored (and encrypted) HPASS data hacked,
passwords generated with non-empty one (or both) of these fields,
still will be safe.
Edit & Save Settings
Hint: leave it empty to change generic settings.
You may need to create hint/site specific settings
if a site does not allow Special Character in your
generic settings, or demands longer/shorter password etc.
In such a case, enter a Hint,
modify Special Character and/or
Secret (🤫): makes generated passwords unique for you.
Special Character
one or more !\"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[ ]^_`{|}~
Length (📏): longer is better,
note however that a lot of sites have unreasonably short upper limit
- 15 seems to be a reasonable balance between security and a need to create
many site-specific settings.